Getting a Grip on Learning Portfolios

Revising and improving learning portfolios is a complex and often challenging task. Some of these L&D challenges are:

  • Tight budgets, 
  • Shifting business priorities, 
  • Fragmented IT landscapes, 
  • Improving reporting capabilities, 
  • Demonstrating effectiveness and bottom-line impact of learning activities, 
  • Updating content, 
  • Changing professions and new skills, 
  • Small and decentralized teams,
  • Multiple stakeholders with unclear decision making processes.

To help tackle these challenges we developed "Learning Landscape Mapping". This effective tool is about visualizing learning portfolios, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, and enabling guided discussions about their potential for optimization. The Excel-based “Learning Landscape Maps" facilitate strategic alignment along various dimensions and cluster.

"Learning Landscape Mapping” does not only support one-off analysis but is intended as a tool accompanying and providing evidence of making progress while keeping defined objectives in sight such as developing learning analytics and diagnostics. With the potential to identify cost savings it helps to shift budget, make strategic reinvestments possible and get learning portfolios optimized for the future.